
Ultimate Guide to Body Re-Shaping

Body Re-Shaping


Ultimate Guide to Body Re-Shaping

  • Body Treatments
  • Treatments

Ultimate Guide to Body Re-Shaping

Choosing the Body Re-Shaping Device that’s Right For You

Summer bodies are made in winter. Body compression garments aside, there is no quick fix to re-shape your body overnight. It is however possible to maximise the results of your diet and fitness regime through the implementation of Body Re-Shaping technology. There are many different body reshaping devices available such as mechanical massage, suction, intensive heat, Radio Frequency (RF), Infra Red (IR) and Cavitation by Ultrasound. Each of these applications has unique benefits and targets different body concerns.

Before delving into the technology, a bit of background is important to understand how cellulite works and why fat becomes trapped in certain areas making it difficult to eliminate through diet and exercise.

Cellulite appears as a result of fat becoming trapped in the connective tissue fibres beneath the skin. In men, these connective fibres appear in a criss-cross pattern, whereas in women, they are aligned vertically. When fat becomes lodged between these fibres, due to the vertical alignment of the connective tissue in women, a bumpy appearance forms on the skin. This is the appearance of cellulite. Diet and exercise will help reduce the bumpiness but due to the skin’s structure, it can be very difficult to shift the fat cells that are trapped between the connective tissues. This is where body reshaping technology helps.

LPG Endermologie

LPG Endermologie utilises mechanical dislodgement via suction and massage to help loosen the connective tissue and assists in the body’s natural metabolic function to break down the fat deposits. The mechanical stimulation softens the connective tissue that constricts both the circulatory and lymphatic systems promoting breakdown of trapped toxins. When the lymphatic system is blocked, the body retains damaging toxins. Cellulite is one of the common symptoms of inadequate lymphatic drainage. The promotion of blood circulation and lymphatic drainage also aids in reduction of fluid retention, skin renewal, and repair. LPG Endermologie is recommended for overall well-being with improvement in the appearance of cellulite and skin laxity being only a few of the benefits from this treatment. It is a full body treatment with benefits being felt immediately and with noticeable results after multiple treatments.


Velashape III provides targeted reduction of cellulite and body re-shaping.  It is recommended for body contouring as well as treatment of cellulite and circumferential reduction in problem areas such as stomach, buttocks, thighs and arms. VelashapeIII combines heat, vacuum suction, RF and Infa Red to selectively target the fat cells, their surrounding connective tissue and the underlying dermal collagen fibres. The deep heating of these layers promotes an increase in circulation, lymphatic drainage, cellular metabolism and collagen formation.  It also stimulates fibroblast activity to strengthen the connective tissue and remodels the extracellular matrix. This results in localized reduction in skin laxity, volume and an overall improvement in skin structure and texture making it the ideal treatment to re-sculpt the body to a desired aesthetic.

Fat Cavitation

Fat Cavitation is unique as it has the ability to destroy fat cells completlety. Diet and exercise simply shrink these cells and other body re-shaping protocols can dislodge the fat cells, allowing for the body to metabolise and them. Cavitation by ultrasound is different. It is a very concentrated ultrasound.  The ultrasonic waves cause a vibration in the fat layers and eventually burst the fat cells. Those fats will then melt and work its way into your system. The melted fat will be used in two ways by your body. The first way is its converted into energy – so it is important to eat a low fat and low carbohydrate diet and do some form of cardio to really move it along. The other way is through your liver and kidneys to be excreted by your body, so it is vital to keep your fluids up to flush it out. Alcohol and caffeine should be avoided as it will cause too much strain on the organs.  Fat cavitation is used on specific areas of pocket fat such as love handles as an area 10cm x 10cm takes 10 minutes to treat. The results can be seen after a few treatments with a noticeable reduction of fat in the area.

We recommend a consultation with one of our body re-shaping experts to determine the most suitable treatment plan. A combination of these treatments is sometimes ideal to attain the best results.



About The Author

Eva Karpati

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